Sleeping With The Material World is a coming of age story about a girl who travels the world seeking a modelling career before finally finding herself. Born to an underprivileged Toronto family, she sees modelling as her opportunity for a big break, and travels to Tokyo to begin her fashion adventure. But Sarah quickly realizes she’s more interested in the boys and the lifestyle than the modelling, and thus begins a whirlwind five years of travelling across the globe chasing men and job opportunities. Rubbing shoulders with personalities as diverse as professional athletes, Hong Kong mafiosos and a crazy ex-boyfriend back in Canada, Sarah’s experiences vary from an allergic reaction in Japan to a stint in Brazilian jail to quitting modelling to join a car rally in China. Through it all, there’s one particular playboy who seems eternally unattainable. In the end, Sarah realizes that neither the men nor the industry can make her happy, and she has her final awakening upon returning home to Canada. A sample from the book can be found here.
Monday, October 30, 2017
The Mondays
Monday, October 23, 2017
Dating Diary: The Blond-Haired Englishman

Monday, October 16, 2017
Vlog Intros
Monday, October 9, 2017
Quitting Modelling
The first few months were glorious but it wasn't long before reality kicked in. I had never been smart with my modelling money and after my last paycheck came and went I suddenly realized that no one had taught me anything about managing money. I didn't know how to get by on restaurant wages alone.
"Wait," I said. "The fuck am I supposed to do with my life?"
I thought back to my days in Asia, the rich boys who had courted me. Maybe I should have married a millionaire when I had the chance. But deep down I knew that wasn't really what I wanted - that was a cop out. Several years before, one of those old boyfriends had told me that I shouldn’t ever quit working as a model because as soon as I did I would start to look old. (At the time, of course, I got nervous and offended and started thinking I was already looking old.)
So what was the next step? Acting? I had been acting on and off for the last six years of my modelling career, but not much had come of it - I had to acknowledge that maybe I wasn't all that good at it.
At one point, I had the thought that maybe I should just go and live in a temple and be Zen for the rest of my life.
As per usual I ended up meeting someone in this time who was, for lack of a better word, a complete asshole, and thought maybe I should settle down. NOPE. I ended up quitting my supervisor job and ending it with the bf after we moved in together. Suddenly I was out of a job, out of savings, and basically homeless.
"What the fuck do I do now?"
At that point I decided I wanted to go back to school. But what would I take? I had always wanted to be a therapist and I was already a healer spirituality so maybe that was the route. By the time I applied to school I was on welfare. But school didn't work out either - there were issues with my OSAP and I wasn't able to commit to the year (which would have been this current school year).
Since school fell through I've landed a full-time job and found a place to live. I don't have it all figured out yet, but I'm getting there. But my advice to anyone who plans to quit the industry without a backup plan is this - make sure you're prepared for the real world first!